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Chapter Nineteen
Halloween Suspicions

The day after Gallatea's birthday brought much confusion to the school.  By the end of breakfast all of the students had heard about the new quidditch pitch and were wondering what it was for.  They figured it was for some type of sport, judging by the stands of seats.  But the six golden hoops served to confuse them further.  It was also obvious that the other three founders hadn't been told about the addition to their school when Slytherin stormed in, quickly followed by Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.  The other two seemed calm and accepting, but Salazar was on the warpath.  He made Snape after a Gryffindor-Slytherin match seem like a teddy bear.  Striding up to Rowena, he started berating her at the top of his voice.


“ What is what, Salazar?”


“ I am not playing games.  It is a birthday gift to my daughter from one of her friends.  Do you have an objection to that?”


“ Nonsense, Salazar.  It is a quidditch pitch.”

“ And may I ask what quidditch is?” Gryffindor asked.

“ Quidditch is a sport played in…the place the new students are from.”

“ I see.  And how many people here know how to play this sport, may I ask?”

Gallatea, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Ardwick put their hands up.  Gryffindor looked around the room and noticed no other hands.

“ My dear Rowena, it seems as if we have a new pitch to play a sport that nobody knows about.  Now does anybody have a suggestion as to what we do to remedy this?”

At the Slytherin table Christabel slowly stood up.  Everyone was surprised at the usually shy girl drawing so much attention to herself.  It was Hufflepuff that called on her.

“ You have a suggestion, my dear?”

“ Well, I figured that as my friends caused the disturbance, and I am the only one of the group unfamiliar with the sport, I would be the best to speak.  From what I hear, where Ron, `Mione, Ginny and Harry are from they have teams to play this sport.  I have also heard them speaking about House teams.  I would suggest that as we now have the facilities, we make use of them.  I propose that Harry and Ron write for us the rules of the game and how it is played, perhaps in the form of a book.  These books could be distributed to the other students, and those who are interested could form House teams.  We could have competitions between the House teams, as a recreational form of physical education.  I have often heard Lord Slytherin complaining about the physical fitness of many students.  This may be a reasonable solution.”

This said the girl sat down and awaited a response.  Her friends were looking at her in pride, and the founders had huddled to discuss this suggestion.  The students were eagerly anticipating their response.  Many of them found the idea of a sporting event appealing.  After a few minutes, and many dirty looks from Slytherin, the founders turned to the students, Rowena speaking for all of them.

“ It has been agreed to try this suggestion for the rest of this year.  If it works out well, we may make quidditch matches a new Hogwarts tradition.”


It wasn't until the start of period three that Hermione got the chance to corner Harry about the quidditch pitch.  She had tried to talk to him the night before, but he had stayed close to Gallatea.  She could tell he was avoiding her, and figured it was because he knew she would give him a lecture.  But he couldn't avoid her forever.  At the start of their free period she found him sitting in a remote corner of the library reading a Dark Arts book.  Going over to him, she sat opposite him, leaned across the table, and slammed the book shut.  He lifted his head and gave her an annoyed look, but didn't get to say anything before she launched into her tirade.

“ What the hell were you thinking?  I distinctly remember telling you when we first got here we were not to change the past under any circumstances.  Do you understand the gravity of what you have done?  You could have completely changed history for all we know.  We could get back home and find the world a completely different place.  This is a disaster!”

“ Relax `Mione.  I seriously doubt building the Hogwarts quidditch pitch is going to change history at all.  And if it did, it wouldn't be by much.”

“ Harry, you can't know that.  Just imagine this scenario.  The person who was supposed to invent quidditch, doesn't.  They fall into poverty and eventually commit suicide.  They happen to be the ancestor of someone important in our time.  When we get back we find You-Know-Who has taken over.  Or even Grindelwald.  If Dumbledore's ancestor was killed, he would never exist.  We might not exist.  The world will…be…in…ruins…”

“ `Mione, you have to calm down.  Breathe, ok.  It won't be that bad.  How do you know we were not supposed to be here?  How do you know that we weren't meant to be in the past, influencing the future.  If we hadn't used the amulet and come here we could have altered everything.  The fact is, Hermione, we have no way of knowing if we will change things by being here, or make them stay the same.  I guess we won't find that out for sure until we go to the next place, but I have a feeling it's the latter.”

“ What could possibly make you think that?  What evidence have you got?  If you know something I don't then I think you should share.”

“ It's just a feeling.  And little things, you know?  I mean, we came here from a time that has lost so much magic.  We may be the only ones that can bring back the old ways.  Another thing is Lolide.  She asked me at the start of term if I could make amends with the elves on behalf of the wizarding world when I get back.  If we hadn't come here, I don't think we would have been able to do all that.  The extra skills we gain here could possibly be the only advantage we have in the war against Voldemort.  I can not sit back and pretend this is all a coincidence.”

“ You know I don't believe in Divination and Fate, Harry…”

“ I know you don't.  But if you remember, Ginny is a Seer.  I told you that when we were in Diagon Alley she told me to get more money out of my account.  Her vision was telling us we were coming here.  You know true Seers are never wrong.  We were meant to be here, I just know it.”

“ Ok, Harry, I'll let it go until we have more evidence we're not doing more harm than good, but I'm not forgetting about this, you do realise that?”

“ Thanks, `Mione, I needed that.”


A couple of days later found Harry and Ron sitting in the Great Hall, writing furiously.  Harry was better at writing things down in book form, as he had had a lot of practice with his Ancient Dark Arts book.  Ron, on the other hand, was finding it a little bit more difficult.  The pair was trying to write down a comprehensive quidditch rule book that the whole school would be able to understand.   Eventually, Ron called a halt.

“ You know what, Harry?  I think I should just let you write it.”

“ Ron!  You can't leave me to do all the work.”

“ Don't worry, I'm not.  I just think that with you being better with the writing, I could leave that up to you.  While you do that I could sort out layout and pictures.”

“ How are you going to get pictures?  A real match has never been played!”

“ I could get `Tea and Ard to help.  We could get everyone outside and have a short mock game.  We have enough people for a whole team, and we can just pretend we have opponents…”

“ You scare me sometimes, you know that?”

“ Harrrrreeee…it won't be that bad.  Once we have the first House game we can replace the pictures.”

“ True, I suppose that'll have to do.”

With that the pair eagerly got to work.  Harry continued writing down the rules and moves, while Ron left to find the others and beg Ginny to let him borrow her camera.


The seven friends entered the Great Hall for the Hallow'een feast the next night and their jaws immediately dropped in shock.  The Hall was decorated with thousands of different coloured fireflies.  They were bigger than Muggle fireflies, about the size of a snitch.  Assorted ghosts were floating about near the ceiling, causing the Anglo-Saxons to squeal in delight.  In this time, Hogwarts had not been around long enough to acquire any ghosts, so seeing them in the Great Hall was a rare treat.  Large pumpkins floated around the edges of the room, and the House tables were decorated with spidery material with various illusions of severed body parts.  The overall effect was magnificent.  As the group sat down at their respective House tables, Helga Hufflepuff stood up to give the Hallow'een speech.

“ Welcome everyone to the All Hallows Eve Feast.  First I would like to thank the seventh years for their help in decorating the Hall, you have done a truly superb job.  I would also like to announce that Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley have completed the quidditch rule books, and Lord Gryffindor will be distributing them to your House tables in a few minutes.  Once you have read the books, anyone interested in trying out for a team please sign up in your common room.  The sign up sheets will be there for three weeks, so you needn't worry about having to read your books quickly.  Now, let me wish you a prosperous and enjoyable All Hallows Eve, and tuck in!”

Clapping her hands in a gesture rather reminiscent of Dumbledore, Hufflepuff sat down to a table full of food.  At the Ravenclaw table, Gallatea was sitting in thoughtful silence.  She was brought out of her thoughts by Harry who, thinking she might want to actually eat something before the food went cold, poked her in the side with his elbow.  The startled girl turned on the green eyed boy and gave him her best death glare.

“ What was that for?”

“ You just seemed to be spacing out, I thought you might like some dinner before you permanently disappear into that mind of yours.”

“ I was just thinking, do you think I'll make the house team?”

“ Of course you will!  You're one of the most skilled chasers I've ever seen.  It would be a crime not to let you on the team.  Besides, it's your quidditch pitch, and I doubt the new captain could keep you off it if they tried.”

“ Thanks, Harry, I needed a little reassurance.  It was my obsession with quidditch that started the whole thing, it would just be embarrassing if I wasn't on the team.”

Harry smiled back at the girl and let his eyes wander around the room.  They landed on the regal form of Salazar Slytherin.  Harry frowned at the founder.  The man kept perusing the room, as if looking or waiting for something.  Every now and again he would glance at Gryffindor, look to his magical timepiece, and back around the room.  Harry nudged `Tea and whispered into her ear.

“ Is it just me of is Slytherin looking a bit suspicious?”

Gallatea looked at the founder and back at Harry.

“ He seems perfectly normal to me.”

“ Look closer, and watch for longer.  He keeps looking around the room, as if he's searching for something, and then glancing between his timepiece and Gryffindor.  Just watch him. And I'm sure he's muttering in parseltongue.”

“ What do you know about parseltongue, Harry?  Only he can understand it anyway.”

Harry just pulled up his sleeves.  Gallatea gave a start when she spotted the two snakes wrapped around his wrists.  In the two months Harry had been in her House, she had never noticed them before.  Upon closer inspection she discovered they were shielded by a concealment spell.  Only those who knew they were there, or were shown them by the caster, could see them.  She sat in stunned silence as Harry quietly began hissing to the two coral snakes.

*Simbi!  Nirah!  I need your help.*

*What can we do to help you, Harry?* Nirah answered him.

*I think Salazar Slytherin is up to something.  I want you to spend some time spying on him over the next few weeks.  Will you do that for me?*

*Of course we shall.  Nirah and I will be honoured*

*Thank you both.  However, a word of advice.  Slytherin is a parselmouth.  If you are near him, be careful to discuss things telepathically.*

*Of course, young master*

With that Harry gently pulled the pair from his wrists and set them on the floor, where they soon disappeared into the crowd of legs.  Turning back to the rigid Gallatea, he poked her in the side for the second time that night.  She merely blinked, and turned her head towards her friend.  Harry gave a deep, resigned sigh.

“ `Tea, can I trust you to keep this to yourself?  I know a few Ravenclaws that would freak out if they knew I had two snakes in the dorms.  And about me being a parselmouth, I don't want anyone to find out about that either.  Can I trust you?”

The girl simply nodded.

“ Good.  I need to get a message to the others, see if they notice anything funny about Slytherin.”

Gallatea came out of her stupor at this.  She turned slightly glazed eyes to Harry.

“ I can do that, just give me a minute.”

Harry watched curiously as she closed her eyes, a great look of concentration on her face.  A moment later he heard surprised yelps from the other five.  Looking around at the other tables he could see the rest of the group with awe filled, yet slightly concerned, looks on their faces.  Then, as one, they turned and started to watch what Slytherin was doing.  Turning back to Gallatea, he found her looking back at him, a wide grin on her face.

“ I did it,” she crowed.

“ Did what?”

“ Well, in my bloodline we have a lot of people with telepathic abilities.  They don't usually manifest themselves until an heir is at least sixteen years old.  I just thought I'd give it a try, and it worked!”

“ Well done, `Tea.  You never cease to amaze me.  I take it they got the message?”

“ Yes, they're all going to watch him.  We're going to meet in the library tomorrow after breakfast to compare notes.”

Harry just nodded to her.  It may be nothing, he thought, but I don't like the way Slytherin was acting.  I wonder if this is the year he falls out with the other founders and leaves Hogwarts?  That would be something interesting for Ginny to put in her book.  This feast is getting a little dull, and I think I should give Slytherin something to really look at…

Grinning evilly, Harry discreetly waved his hand beneath the table.  A moment later a swarm of vampire bats was circling above the now screaming students.  Harry had read about this particular little charm in a Dark Arts book he had found in the back of the library.  The bats couldn't hurt anybody, but their constant swooping was starting to cause panic.  Gallatea was one of the few calmly sitting watching the fun.  The only others were Ron, Ardwick and Peeves.  They knew Harry had had something planned for the Halloween feast, but weren't sure what.  Gallatea had figured it out as soon as she saw his grin.  She smiled at him, muttering “  Boys!” under her breath.


The next morning found the seven friends sitting in their corner of the library.  The table they were sat at had been claimed by the group right at the start of the year.  It was right at the back of the library, and gave them almost as much privacy as they had in the Gryffindor Room.  Hermione was giving Gallatea questioning looks, and Ardwick had a look of abject terror on his face when he looked at the young woman.  Sighing, she decided to tell them about the night before.  When she was done, they all concurred that Slytherin had been acting strangely.  After explaining about her gift, the others didn't look as afraid.  That was soon to change after Harry spoke up.

“ `Tea, could you telepathically call to Simbi and Nirah, please.  I would like an update from them.”

As Gallatea nodded, looks of understanding came across the faces of Ron, Hermione and Ginny.  On the other side of the table, Ardwick and Christabel were looking confused.  They weren't confused for long, though, as a few moments later Simbi and Nirah came slithering up to the table.  When Harry reached down and picked them up, placing them on the table, the pair started to back away.

“ Chris, Ard, it's ok.  They won't hurt you,” the raven haired boy told them.  It did little to comfort them, especially when he turned to the snakes and started to talk to them.    

*Have you guys found anything out?*

*Yes* Simbi spoke up *From what we can gather, Slytherin is gathering all of the snakes in somewhere called the `Chamber' once a month.  Their job is to spy on the one called Gryffindor.*

Harry paled a little at this.

*Thanks for your help.  I don't suppose you could attend these meetings, could you?  Just to find out what he's up to*

*We will do that for you, little master*

*Thank you*

Turning back to his friends, Harry took in the mixed reactions.

“ Chris, Ard, you don't need to be scared.  You can't tell anyone else what I'm about to tell you.  I'm a parselmouth, and these are my friends, Simbi and Nirah.  They've been gathering information about Slytherin, and they seem to have found out what he's up to.  From what they can gather, he's sending out snakes to spy on Gryffindor and having them meet him to report back once a month.  Simbi and Nirah have agreed to attend the meetings to find out what is happening.”

“ Where are the meetings being held, Harry?” Hermione asked him.  Taking a deep breath, he looked at Ginny for a moment before answering.

“ The Chamber of Secrets.”

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