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Chapter Nine
The First Week of Training

Monday dawned bright and early for the Hogwarts students.  All over the castle teenagers were groaning in protest as their alarms went off, indicating the start of their first full week of lessons.  Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny had all been up late the night before trying to find any way to activate the amulet early and get them back home quickly.  They were all discouraged when they found out that the Hogwarts library didn't have any more information on the subject.  Hermione had worked out that if the amulet could only be activated once a year, and they would have to visit at least two more time periods, it would be at least three years before they would see their families again.  By that time they, with the exception of Ginny, would be older that the Weasley twins.  It was a very disturbing thought.  Harry was the only one not bothered about seeing his family again.  By the time they got back he would be old enough to live on his own and would never have to go back to the Dursleys.  When he thought about it though, he would miss Sirius and Hagrid.  They probably wouldn't even recognise them by the time they returned.

By eight o'clock the four had gathered in the Entrance Hall and were just heading to breakfast when the founders stopped them.  They wanted to know how the research had gone and how long they would be staying.  When they heard the news, Slytherin was disappointed, but the others all thought it would be for the best.  If they had a whole year they would be able to gain more ancient skills.  When this topic came up, Gryffindor was the one to break the news to the group.

“ If you're going to be having physical training you'll need to get in shape.  Starting today I want you all to run three laps of the lake.  Once your training starts I want you to practice what you have learned at lunch time.  Lessons in each subject only once a week, even if it is for a whole year, will not be enough.  You will have to practice as often as possible.  In the holidays I'll want you to spend several hours a day honing your skills.  The same goes for the weekends.  Now I suggest you get running!”

With groans of protest the teenagers set off for their morning run.


Their first lesson of the day was History of Magic taught by a curious little creature with long years and warts.  It took Harry a few minutes to work out that it was a goblin.  He hadn't recognised it at first as it seemed to be a different race to the ones that worked in the Diagon Alley branch of Gringotts.  He soon found out why when Gallatea leant over and whispered in his ear.

“ That's Professor Narnook.  He's an Egyptian goblin, unlike the British one's you've probably seen before.   He's really boring.  He doesn't seem to tell us much apart from intricate details of various goblin rebellions, one of which he was supposedly part of.”

“ Sounds like our History of Magic professor.  He's the only ghost professor, and his lesson is normally considered a good time to take a nap.  He never notices.”

“ Well, some things never change then.  It's the same here.  Although I usually spend the time doing homework.”

“ So does `Mione, she seems to think it's not prudent to waste the time.  Hey, what's Ginny up to?”

Harry looked at the redheaded girl sitting in the seat in front of him.  She was quietly scribbling away in a large leather bound book.  The pages seemed to be empty, but she was soon filling them up with her tiny script.  Intrigued, Harry tapped her on the shoulder.  In took her a moment to finish her paragraph before she turned around.

“ What's up Harry.”

“ What are you doing, Gin?”

“ Oh this,” the girl whispered and turned an interesting shade of red, “ I'm writing a book about our travels.  I want an accurate account of this time for when we get home.  When we visit different times I'll add them.  I want to document every little detail, because so much information has been lost.  I believe Hermione's working on a book of her own.  She's concentrating on writing a series of spell books with all the lost knowledge that we've gained.  I think she was trying to talk Ron into doing the one for potions, but the last I heard he turned her down point blank.  Said he wouldn't want it to fall into Professor Snape's hands.”

“ I'll take potions then.  It's a good idea, and you two can't do it all.  I think you'll have the most to do, if you're documenting everything.  Mind you, there have been a lot of potions and spells lost.  Do you think we'll get them finished before we move on?”

“ Well, I won't, because it's an ongoing project.  You two might.  I'll let her know later that you've agreed to do it.  She likes schoolwork but I doubt she'd have time to do everything.”

By this time the end of the lesson was approaching.  Harry started to think about the project he'd just agreed to.  Now that he had the knowledge and understanding, and despite the teacher, he found he was quite enjoying potions.  He had an appreciation for the art that he had never had in his first four years at Hogwarts.  He couldn't help but think, as he was packing his bag, I wonder what Snape'll think when we get back.

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