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Chapter 1 - Holiday Blues   |   Chapter 2 - The Train   |   Chapter 3 - The Feast and Other Matters   |   Chapter 4 - The Trial   |   Chapter 5 - Azkaban and the Only Way Out   |   Epilogue

Chapter 2 - The Train


Harry sat up with a start and looked over at the calendar on the wall.  It was September 1st, and he hadn't even realised.  If Uncle Vernon hadn't been yelling at him he probably would have forgotten altogether and missed school.  Summoning all his energy Harry quickly showered and dressed, before lugging his heavy trunk and birdcage down the stairs.  His uncle was waiting impatiently for him at the bottom of the stairs.  Giving him a murderous look, Uncle Vernon made his way towards the car where Dudley was squashed rather snugly in the back seat.  Harry wasn't quite sure where he was supposed to sit.  Dudley had grown considerably since Harry's last trip in the Dursleys' car and now took up almost all of the back seat.  After heaving his heavy trunk into the boot of the car, he squeezed himself into the small space Dudley left for him and perched Hedwig's cage on his lap.  His cousin didn't look very happy with this.  Like his parents, Dudley had a phobia of all things out of the ordinary, which included all things magical.

By the time they had reached King's Cross Dudley was very bored.  Despite being afraid of Harry's magic, Dudley had spent the majority of the journey poking him in the shoulder.  Harry, lost in his thoughts, had failed to acknowledge him, which made Dudley very grumpy.  As soon as the car stopped at the station Harry jumped out and went to retrieve his trunk.  Once the trunk was out of the car, Uncle Vernon pulled away from the curb at top speed without so much as saying goodbye.  Harry was used to this by now, though, and merely sought out a spare trolley for the trunk and birdcage.

By the time Harry reached the entrance to platform 9 ¾ it was 10:55, and the train would soon be leaving.  Remembering how he had gotten to Hogwarts in his second year after missing the train, Harry took the barrier at a run and quickly made his way to the train.  Once aboard he went in search of his friends.


Ron was getting worried.  The train was about to leave and there was still no sign of Harry.  He turned towards Hermione, who was sitting opposite him, and could see the same worry reflected in her eyes.  Harry was never this late, even when the Muggles brought him to the station.  They wouldn't not bring him, because that would mean he would have to stay with them for longer than he had to.  No, they would have brought him.  So where could he be?  Had he been attacked?  Did You-Know-Who have him?  Ron was starting to really panic when the train started moving with a small shudder.  He could see his mother waving at him through the window.  He and Hermione waved back halfheartedly.  Just then a bump could be heard outside their compartment and the door slid open.  Framed in the doorway was a short figure with messy black hair that stood out on the sheer white skin.  Dull, lifeless, bespectacled eyes were sunken into sleep deprived eye sockets, a brief flash of colour on the boney face.  The only recognisable feature was the puffy red scar that stood out on the worry wrinkled forehead.  

With a start, Ron realised that he was looking at the once proud Harry Potter.


He couldn't understand it.  Why were they looking at him like that?  Both were staring as if they had never seen him before.  Waving in a tired manner, Harry entered the compartment and threw himself into the window seat.  Ron and Hermione were still gawping at him, and he felt like an object on display at the zoo.

“ What are you looking at?” he snapped, noting the surprised looks in his friends' eyes.  It was Hermione that hesitantly put words to her and Ron's thoughts.

“ What happened to you over the summer, Harry?  Have the Muggles not been feeding you?  You should have owled us!  We would have found a way to get you.”

“ It's nothing”, came the curt reply, “ The Muggles were feeding me fine.  I just wasn't hungry.  Now, it you don't mind, I'd like to have a nap.  I haven't been sleeping lately.”

And with that Harry closed his eyes, blocking out the shocked looks on his friends' faces.


Wands out, d'you reckon?*

Harry was back in the graveyard.  It was the same scene he was faced with every time he slept.  He would be in the graveyard with Cedric, and would try to change the outcome, but nothing worked.

“ Cedric, we have to get out of here.”

But it was no use.  Voldemort's voice floated through the air.

“ Kill the spare.”


“ Avada Kedavra.”

It was the same as always.  The killing curse hit Cedric and his lifeless body fell to the ground.  Harry could hear the maniacal laughing of Voldemort as he stared into Cedric's glassy eyes.  Suddenly, Cedric's mouth began to move.

“ It's all your fault”, came the hoarse whisper.

Harry looked back in horror.  It was true.  He should have saved Cedric.  He started muttering to himself, “ It's all my fault, I'm sorry Cedric, it's all my fault.”*


Hermione couldn't believe it.  After sleeping silently for about an hour, Harry had suddenly started thrashing about and yelling, “ It's all my fault, I'm sorry Cedric, it's all my fault,” over and over.  After about ten minutes he had quieted and opened his eyes.  He had taken one look at her and Ron and turned to look out of the window as if they weren't there.  Hermione looked worriedly at Ron.  She could see that he was having similar thoughts to her own.  Had he been like this all summer?  Did he blame himself for Cedric's death?  Hermione realised that this was probably the case.  She had never seen Harry looking like this.  It appeared like he had hardly slept or eaten at all over the summer.  His silence was also unnerving.  Harry was never this quiet, and he very rarely snapped at them.

At that moment Hermione's thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Malfoy and his cronies, Crabbe and Goyle.  Malfoy took a sweeping look around the compartment before his eyes landed on Harry huddled in the corner.

“ What's the matter, Potter?  Feeling guilty are you?  That was quite a show at the Third Task.  Never would have pegged you for a murderer.”

Ron was out of his chair immediately and had his wand pointed straight at Malfoy.

“ Take that back, Malfoy.  With your dad working for You-Know-Who you should know that it wasn't Harry's fault.”

“ Wasn't it?  How can you be so sure?  He sure looks guilty for someone who didn't do anything wrong.”

His piece said, Malfoy turned away and with his sidekicks following left the compartment.


After the `Malfoy incident' the silence in the compartment resumed.  Harry was thankful for it.  Despite Ron's best efforts in his defence, Harry couldn't help but feel that Malfoy was right.  Although he didn't administer the killing blow, in this case the Killing Curse, Harry was still a murderer.  At least that's what he felt in his heart.  He had told Cedric to take the cup when he clearly had wanted to let Harry win.  Harry had made him come.  If he hadn't gone then he would still be alive.

Harry's guilty thoughts were interrupted by the standard announcement that the train was nearing Hogsmeade.  Ron opened his trunk and took out his robes to get changed.  He also took out Harry's new school supplies and handed them over with Harry's Gringotts key.  Harry nodded his thanks and as soon as Hermione left the compartment he changed into his school robes.  

Once the train had slowed to a stop, the three friends jumped onto the platform and made their way to the horseless carriages.  Ron and Hermione waved spiritedly at Hagrid, who grinned back at them. As soon as he saw Harry, though, his grin began to fade.  Harry hadn't even acknowledged his presence, and had a faraway look on his face, as if he wasn't even consciously there.  Once the three had boarded the carriage another uncomfortable silence descended.  Harry was still staring into space as if his friends weren't even there.

In truth, Harry was pondering his dream.  After most of the dreams Harry had spent considerable time mulling over the events, thinking how he could have changed things so that Cedric wouldn't have died.  But he never came to a positive conclusion.  By the time he had come out of his reverie he found himself sitting at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, although he had no conscious memory of how he got there.  Ron was sat next to him talking to Dean and Seamus, while Hermione was trying to explain their summer potions homework to a very distraught Neville.

Harry wasn't really paying attention as the new first years were led in.  The sorting was uneventful, except for when Pansy Parkinson's little sister was sorted into Hufflepuff, amid gasps of surprise and sympathy from the Slytherins.  Finally, Dumbledore stood to give his usual start of term speech when he was interrupted by the doors to the Great Hall flying open to admit six menacing looking wizards.  The leader walked to the middle of the Hall and addressed the teachers and students.

“ On behalf of the Ministry of Magic I hereby order the immediate arrest of one Harry Potter on the charge of murder.”

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